
Material Handling and Storage: The Importance of Goods Segregation

January 15, 2019

When it comes to warehousing, you will find that there are many different types of goods that require storage. While some can fit anywhere in the storage areas without issues, there are other goods that require segregation to ensure that they do not contaminate other goods or cause other issues. Therefore, it is important in material handling and storage to know how to distinguish the latter goods from the rest. We cover this and other pertinent facts about goods segregation in the following details to further your knowledge on the subject.

What Is Goods Segregation?

Goods segregation is the act of separating incompatible items to prevent unwanted or dangerous interactions with other items. These items are hazardous materials in some way and must always be handled with the utmost of care.

Hazardous Goods That Require Segregation

The hazardous goods that require segregation during procedures dealing with material handling and storage in warehousing are as follow:

  • Flammable liquids such as kerosene, petrol, certain paints, turpentine and more along with flammable solids
  • Gases include flammable gases such as LP gas, toxic gases and non-toxic, non-flammable gases such as CO2
  • Hydrochloric acid and other corrosives
  • Explosives
  • Asbestos
  • Oxidizing agents and organic peroxides
  • Toxic and infectious substances
  • Radioactive substances
  • Miscellaneous hazardous substances

Examples of the General Rules for Dangerous Goods Segregation
  • Typically, hazardous goods that are in the same classification can be stored together unless there is a risk of them interacting with each other in a dangerous manner.
  • Acids should be kept separate from alkalis.
  • Flammable gases that interact with water should be stored in a different area than the goods that contain water.
  • Usually, infectious substances, radioactive materials and certain explosives are not compatible to store with other hazardous or dangerous goods.

*Note: For further details about the proper storage and handling methods of dangerous goods in Victoria, Australia, click here.

Hazardous or Dangerous Goods Need Correct Labeling

It is important to understand that goods that require segregation also call for outer warning placards to notify all those who handle these goods of their risky nature. You can find detailed information about these placards by clicking here and scrolling to page 83.

To learn further details about the importance of goods segregation in material handling and storage, consult with Challenge Packaging and Warehousing Solutions. Our company prides itself on offering high-quality storage, distribution and related services on an outsource basis to help you handle your distribution business in a successful and an efficient manner. We work closely with you to customise our services to suit your unique requirements to ensure that you only pay for services that you need.

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